As part of the Centreville Main Street -Centreville Spy partnership over the next 12 months, we are able to offer small businesses located in the greater Centreville community heavily discounted ad sponsorships. Those ads follow into two categories based on the size and location of the advertisement banner.
The partnership allows Centreville businesses, schools, and non-profits to purchase home page premium header banner advertising or home page 300 x 500 ads at a deep discount.
Top banner horizontal ad – $125 for 30 days; regular price $250; and 300 x 500 ad – $50 for 30 days; regular price $100. Three-month minimum for both rates, but do not need to be consecutive months.
*All transactions are made directly with The Spy and their fiscal sponsor, The Mid-Shore Community Foundation. Centreville Main Street, the Spy, and the Town of Centreville do not profit from any sponsorship.
These ad zones will continue with up to five sponsors who will share the space on a rotating basis. Based on the number of ads running, it is assumed that an ad will rotate after 10 seconds.
Homepage Header Banner ($125 per month)

Homepage Left Side Ad ($50 per month)

Please contact us at centreville@spycommunitymedia.