Yesterday, Kamala Harris gave two public speeches after receiving Joe Biden’s endorsement to be the Democratic nominee for President. At both speeches, Harris spoke, with heartfelt emotion, about her love and respect for Biden, about his love for his country, and his relentless efforts to do the right thing for the American people. I found myself feeling an emotion that I have not felt in a long time—Hope.
When Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff arrived at Biden’s campaign headquarters in Delaware later in the day, Biden called in and thanked his diligent staff for all their efforts and encouraged them to give that same full court press attitude to Harris. He told Harris that, “You’ve always had my back and I will always have yours.”
When Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff introduced his wife, Kamala, he talked about how kind the Bidens were when Biden announced that Harris would be his VP candidate. He said that Jill and Joe invited them to their home in Rehoboth, and then the Bidens called his children, Ella, and Cole, and welcomed them to the family. He said that it’s been like that ever since.
When Harris spoke to the campaign staff, she expressed her love and respect for Biden and talked about his faith, his love of family and his dedication and never-ending energy to make America a better place for all Americans.
Harris did not call her opponent “dumb as a rock.” She did not say he was “the world’s worst president in the history of this country.” She did not comment on his looks or make demeaning comments. There was no vitriol. No cruelness. No mean-spirited retorts.
So, this rare emotion that I haven’t felt for a long time surfaced. I realize it is early days in the campaign, and I have my Pollyanna glasses on. But maybe, just maybe, it is possible to live in a country where there is inclusivity, climate awareness, respect for all points of view, grace, and kindness.
As Hemingway said in the last line of The Sun Also Rises, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”
Maria Grant was principal-in-charge of the Federal human capital practice of an international consulting firm. While on the Eastern Shore, she focuses on writing, reading, piano, kayaking, biking, and nature.
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